属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-沙特下令提高石油产量
属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-拜登总统就职典礼将与以往大不相同
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第2期:复活节彩蛋
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:洗脑和心理操控
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-美国大选相关词汇
1 | 我总是跟着潮流走。 | I always try to go along with the fashion. | |
2 | 无论你上哪,我都跟着你。 | I’ll go along with you. Wherever you’re going. | |
3 | 一年2000英镑?去你的吧!这活不值1500英镑! | Two thousand pounds a year? Go along(with you)! The job isn’t worth fifteen hundred! | |
4 | 一些商场为了迎合顾客的心理,在商品的价格上,也开始动8的脑筋。所以,商品的价格就成了48元、68元、168元等等。 | To go along with the wishes of customers, some shops start to price their commodities with “eight”, such as 48yuan, 68yuan and 168yuan. | |
5 | 因此,迈克和我很难遵循老师所教的那些传统的教条,这样问题就来了。 | But because of this, both Mike and I just could not go along with the standard dogma that our teachers preached, and that caused the problems. | |
6 | 在那一点上我无法同意你的意见. | I can’t go along with you on that point. | |
7 | 在那一点上我与你看法不一。 | I can’t go along with you on that point | |
8 | 在这点上我同意你。 | I ’d go along with you there. | |
9 | 这个我多半同意,不过我们根本没有办法做。 | I go along with most of that, but we simply don’t have the means. | |
10 | 这是新加坡特殊的国情使然,在新加坡的大气候下,在新加坡这片土地上,这是无法扭转的趋势,也是无法抗拒的潮流,顺之者昌,逆之者亡。 | This is a result of the city-state’s peculiar condition and an irreversible trend,it is a situation of those who go along with it will thrive and those who resist it will perish | |
11 | 但是在几天前,当俄罗斯拒绝进一步削减产量,沙特王国的政策彻底改变了。 | However, a few days ago, the kingdom’s policy changed completely when Russia refused to go along with deeper cuts. | |
12 | 就职典礼上许多传统演讲和良好祝愿也将在网上完成。那天晚上不会举办被称为舞会的特别庆祝活动。该活动也将在网上和电视上直播。 | Many of the traditional speeches and warm wishes that go along with an inauguration will also be completed online. There will not be a special celebration, known as a ball, that night. That event will also happen online and on television. | |
13 | 复活节彩蛋不需要解释,这就是一个传统。延续这个传统,并享受吧。 | Easter eggs don’t have to be explained, but it is a tradition. Go along with the show and enjoy it. | |
14 | 你的朋友痴迷于他。她开始一直重复他的说法,并且改变了自己的观点赞同他。你就可以说,她被洗脑了。 | Your friend becomes obsessed with him. She begins to repeat his words all the time and she has changed her opinions to go along with his. You could say, she is brainwashed. | |
15 | 一些候选人输掉选举,因为他们不愿意顺从该党派的路线(to toe the party the line)。换句话说,他们拒绝遵循自己政党的规定和标准。这可能会惹怒候选人的选民基础,也就是通常支持该党派的人群。 | Some candidates lose an election because they are unwilling to toe the party the line. In other words, they refuse to go along with the rules and standards of their own political party. This may upset the candidate’s base -- the people who usually support that party. | |
16 | 绑定编译器在生成一些添加的方法时,还会生成一些添加的支持类。 | The binding compiler also generates some added support classes that go along with the added methods. | |
17 | 比如当Facebook要改变它的平台,开发者们别无选择只有跟着适应。 | When Facebook, say, makes a change to its platform, developers have no choice but to go along with it. | |
18 | 不必说,共和党人是不会同意的。他们会阻碍奥巴马政府计划。 | Needless to say, Republicans won’t go along with anything like this. They balk even at the president’s modest plan. | |
19 | 出版商们担心印刷术的销售将随着实体书店数量的减少而下滑。 | If the number of brick-and-mortar stores drops, publishers fear that sales will go along with it. | |
20 | 除了这种植物顽强的生命力及果实的可口,蓝莓还有非常高的健康价值。 | To go along with the plant’s hardiness and the berry’s deliciousness, blueberries offer great health benefits. | |
21 | 从实质上说,我们将相当于没有石油的挪威——既要遵循欧洲的决定,又不能对这些决定施加影响。 | In essence we will be Norway without the oil, bound to go along with European decisions but unable to influence them. | |
22 | 大家也许还想为主题选一个屏幕保护。 | You might also want to select a screensaver to go along with the theme. | |
23 | 但如果拿走的只是供货商作为赠品的泡沫塑料球,你就不必小题大做了。 | But when he takes a foam ball that was a freebie from a supplier, you have to go along with it. | |
24 | 但是,很多民主党赞同这个讯息,包括其领导阶层,这是不能找借口的。 | But there was no excuse for so many Democrats to go along with that message, including the leadership. | |
25 | 但是,同样令人不感到意外的是,陪审团有时却愿意赞同这种必要性。 | But, equally unsurprisingly, juries are sometimes willing to go along with it. | |
26 | 当你决定用汉堡和薯条当午餐时,搭配着汽水吃的确是无可比拟的。 | Sure, there’s nothing quite like soda to go along with that burger and fries you’ve decided to have for lunch. | |
27 | 当您可爱的妻子要被要求你去与她挑选了邀请函,请她。 | asks you to go along with her to pick out invitations, go with her. | |
28 | 德国正变得更加“正常”,这意味着它更愿意利用自己的力量同时接受随之而来的责任。 | Germany is becoming more "normal" , meaning more willing to use its strength and to accept responsibilities that go along with it. | |
29 | 对应地,一个key(index)方法从存储中使用的所有名称中返回一个名称。 | To go along with this, a key(index) method returns a name from an array of all names used in storage. | |
30 | 谷歌服从这种限令的决定不仅在其内部引起分歧,也一直是世人激烈争论的焦点。 | The decision to go along with the restrictions has been the subject of fierce debate, not least within Google itself. |